Research Calls
Open calls
- 2025 קול קורא למחקר בתחום הקיימות שת"פ בין דוקטורנטים מתחומי דעת שונים
- קדם-הצעות יש להגיש עד 02/03/2025. תשובה לגבי מעבר להצעה מלאה תתקבל עד 31/03/2025. את ההצעות המלאות יש לשלוח עד 18/05/2025.
- 2025 קול קורא למחקר בתחום הקיימות שת"פ בין חוקרים מתחומי דעת שונים
- קדם-הצעות יש להגיש עד 02/03/2025. תשובה לגבי מעבר להצעה מלאה תתקבל עד 31/03/2025. את ההצעות המלאות יש לשלוח עד 18/05/2025.
Closed calls
- 2023-2024 -A Partnership for Sustainability Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2023 - Call for Research on Sustainability (submission deadline: 13 April 2023)
- The Center for Sustainability is looking for inter-disciplinary research focused on sustainability. Hebrew research call available here.
Opportunity for Donor and Industry Funding (submission deadline: rolling)
- The Center for Sustainability is looking for advanced-stage, solution-oriented research projects to match with donor funding and/or government financing programs. To be considered, please complete the attached Google Form.
A Partnership for Sustainability (submission deadline: 15 December 2021)
The Hebrew University's Center for Sustainability and Ben-Gurion University's School of Sustainability and Climate Change declare cooperation in research areas of sustainability and the environment in order to understand processes, identify problems and propose solutions to reduce human impacts on the climate crisis and the ecological crisis. Full details on how to apply for funding are available here.
- 2021 - Call for Research on Sustainbility