Dr. Daphna Shimon ChemistryCarbon sequestration; weathering; magnetic resonance; NMR; DNPdaphna.shimon@mail.huji.ac.il Google Scholar
Dr. Nathan Steiger Institute of Earth SciencesClimate; Drought; Hydroclimate nathan.steiger@mail.huji.ac.il Google Scholar
Prof. Eran Tas Environmental Sciences Institute, Soil & Water Dept., The Faculty of Agriculture, Food and EnvironmentClimate, global warming, air pollution, vegetationeran.tas@mail.huji.ac.ilwebsite
Dr. Adi Torfstein Institute of Earth Sciences and Inter-University Institute for Marine ScienceClimate change, Oceans, Dust, Biogeochemistry, Anthropogenic Pollution, Heavy metalsadi.torf@mail.huji.ac.ilwebsite
Prof. Aron Troen The Institute of Biochemistry, Food and NutritionFood Security; Public Health; Nutrition; Nutrition Security; Food Systems; Policyaron.troen@mail.huji.ac.ilGoogle Scholar
Prof. Amit Tubi Department of Geography, Faculty of Social SciencesHuman dimensions of climate change; vulnerability; adaptation; climate migration; climate-conflict nexusamit.tubi@mail.huji.ac.ilwebsite
Dr. Chariklia Tziraki-Segal HUJI and Hellenic Mediteratian UniversityTeaching sustainablity and its health impact; the role of the environmenttziraki@gmail.comwebsite
Dr. Naomi Yuval-Naeh History Department (Humanities) and Natural History Collections (Science)British History; Environmental History; Natural History; Anthropocene; Industrial Revolutionnaomi.yuval@mail.huji.ac.ilwebsite